Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How Sweet Is This???

I was so excited to get these Valentine's Day cards in the mail. They come from people who love me: Mom & Dad, Grandpa Dee, and Grandma Jean & Grandpa Frank. I love them!

Be Jealous!!!!

Tailgating Knows No Socioeconomic Class

Jen and I have become fond of the "tailgating" this week. Today we grabbed a little Micky-Dee's and some rays for lunch. And yes...I am saying I have class and still like to tailgate.

Monday, February 4, 2008

God Bless the People My Cadavers Once Were

Here is my anatomy dissecting group: (left to right) Jonathan Slothower, Matthew Selleck, ME, Todd Stearns (AKA Hacksaw). We finally finished anatomy dissections today, we started on August 9th. The 1st cadaver we had was a 95 year old woman, the 2nd a 59 year old woman, and the 3rd a 86 year old man.

Some say that the person you learn most from in medical school is actually the cadaver that you dissect. This could very well be true.